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Sports related with Osgood-Schlatter’s syndrome

Zdj. 1) Hamstring stretch on the wall:
– lie on your back with your buttocks close to a doorway
– raise your injured leg and rest on the wall as high and straight as you can to feel a stretch in the back of your thigh
– hold position for 20 seconds and relax
– practice exercise 10 times

Zdj. 2) Standing calf stretch:
– stand your face to the wall and rest straighten arms on it
– put your injured leg back and straight with your heel on the floor and bend a little opposite knee
– move closer to the wall to feel stretch in the back of calf of your injured leg
– hold it for 20 seconds and rest
– practice exercise 10 times

Zdj. 3) Quadriceps stretch:
– stand and bend knee of your injured leg toward the buttocks
– hold your bended leg in this position for 20 seconds and get back slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

Zdj. 4) Straight leg raise:
– lie on your back and support yourself on your forearms
– bend your injured leg in knee joint
– raise your shin to make the leg straighten
– hold it for 5 seconds and return slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

Zdj. 5) Prone hip extension:
– lie on your stomach with straighten legs
– tighten your thigh muscles and buttocks
– raise injured leg with straighten knee and get back slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times