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Patellar tendinitis ('jumper’s knee').

The patellar ligament is the part of the rectus femoris of the quadriceps muscle and runs to the tibial bone. Name “jumper’s knee” comes from predispose factor such as repetitive running and jumping, that is why it occurs mostly in basketball. The patient with “jumper’s knee” complains of knee pain during sitting or stair climbing.

jumpers knee


patellar tendonitis exercises

1) Resisted knee flexion:
– stand in front to the door
– tie a knot elastic tubing around the ankle of the uninjured leg
– bend your knee
– hold position for 10 seconds and return slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times

2) Resisted leg abduction:
– stand your uninjured side to the door
– tie a knot on the end of elastic tubing and put it around the ankle on your injured side
– tie a knot on the second end of the tubing and put it around the door
– move your injured leg out to the side keeping its straight
– hold position for 15 seconds and return slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

3) Resisted knee extension:
– stand your back to the door
– tie a knot in one end of the tubing around the ankle of your injured leg
– tie a knot in other end of the tubing around the door
– extend your knee and return slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times

4) Resisted leg adduction:
– stand your injured side to the door
– tie a knot on the end of elastic tubing and put it around the ankle on your injured side
– tie a knot on the second end of the tubing and put it around the door
– move your injured leg away the door keeping its straight
– hold position for 15 seconds and return slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

5) Resisted knee extension:
– stand your face to the door
– bend your knee and tie a knot in one end of the tubing around the calf of your injured leg
– tie a knot in other end of the tubing around the door
– extend your knee with tubing resistance and return slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times

6) Decline eccentric squat:
– stand with both feet on an angled platform
– now stand on your injured leg and raise other leg with bending knee
– squat down a little (to about 40 degrees knee bending)
– hold position for 20 seconds and return slowly
– practice exercise 10 times