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The calf involves a lot of front and back muscles. The most stronger are back muscles called ‘the triceps surae’, which involve the gastrocnemius and the soleus. They are responsible for foot flexion and ability to stand on toes. The Achilles tendon is their integral ending. Calf strain or tear in sports are caused by insufficient warm-up or incorrect muscles eccentric (muscle-lengthening) or concentric (muscle-shortening) contractions during sudden changes in direction. Calf injures are common in tennis, that’s why we can call it ‘TENNIS LEG’.

calf muscle strain


calf strain exercises

1) Towel stretch:
– sit on the floor with straighten legs
– loop the towel around your feet
– now pull the towel toward your body keeping leg still straighten
– hold it for 20 seconds with tighten calf muscles and rest
– repeat exercise 10 times

2) Standing calf stretch:
– stand your face to the wall and rest straighten arms on it
– put your injured leg back and straight with your heel on the floor and bend a little opposite knee
– move closer to the wall to feel stretch in the back of calf of your injured leg
– hold it for 20 seconds and rest
– practice exercise 10 times

3) Resisted ankle plantar flexion:
– sit on the floor with straighten legs
– loop the tubing around your feet and hold it tighten
– now pull (flex) your feet toward the floor
– hold position for 10 seconds and get back slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times

4) Heel raise:
– stand on your feet next to the chair (to support yourself if it’s necessary)
– stand on your toes slowly and hold position for 10 seconds
– now return slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

5) Single leg balance:
– stand with any support
– raise uninjured leg with bended knee and try to stand only on injured leg
– maintain position for 10 seconds
– repeat exercise 10 times

6) Nose touch:
– stand in front to the wall and bend uninjured leg in the knee
– stand only on injured leg
– move a little forward to touch the wall with your nose gently without bending your waist!
– return to the starting position
– practice exercise 15 times

7) Wall jump:
– stand in front to the wall and put something high on it (e.g. a piece of paper)
– now jump a little trying reach this object
– get back slowly and gently to the starting position
– repeat exercise 15 times