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Rotator cuff is built for: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor muscles. These muscles stabilize humerus capituli in the shoulder and are responsible for shoulder movement. Their injury often occurs in sports, where repetitive overhead motion and throwing are common such as: volleyball, handball or baseball. Fall or a direct blow to the shoulder, and chronic inflammation can cause rotator cuff strain or tear. The other factors are: overusing, microinjures and poor blood circulation. Rotator cuff tear occurs mostly near humerus capituli. The supraspinatus tendon is the tendon most commonly injures.

Rotator cuff injury


Rotator Cuff Strain Rehab

1) Resisted shoulder external rotation
– stand next to the door with your injured arm farther from the door
– tie a knot in the end of the tubing and shut the second knot in the handle
– bend your elbow to 90 degrees and keep it closely to the waist
– hold the other end of the tubing with injured hand
– rotate your arm outward and away from your waist
– practice exercise 10 times

2) Resisted shoulder internal rotation:
– stand next to the door with your injured arm closely to the door
– tie a knot in the end of the tubing and shut the second knot in the handle
– bend your elbow to 90 degrees and knot the end of the tubing on the arm
– keep your arm and elbow closely to the body
– rotate your forearm outward your body and then get back slowly
– practice exercise 10 times

3) Scaption:
– stand with your arms straighten
– raise your arms
– at the end of your motion point your thumbs toward the ceiling
– hold it for 5 seconds and get back slowly
– repeat exercise 10 times

4) Side-lying external rotation:
– lie on the uninjured side
– bend your elbow to 90 degrees on the injured side and take the weight to the hand
– keep your elbow against your body
– raise your forearm toward the ceiling
– hold position for 2 seconds and get back slowly
– practice exercise 10 times

5) Push-up:
– lie on the floor on your hands and knees
– raise your back as high as you can
– bend your elbows and lie your body on the floor
– practice exercise 10 times