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Sports related with The long head of the biceps injuries (SLAP)

Zdj.1) Shoulder flexion:
– stand with your arms straighten and relaxed
– lift them as high as you can
– hold this high position for 5 seconds and get back slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

Zdj. 2) Shoulder extension:
– stand with your arms along your body
– move the arms back with keeping them straight as far as you can
– get back slowly
– practice exercise 15 times

Zdj. 3) Shoulder abduction:
– Stand with your arms along your body
– move your arms up, out to the side, and toward the ceiling
– hold position for 5 seconds and return slowly
– do exercise 15 times

Zdj.6) Elbow flexion and extension:
– stand with arms along your body
– bend your elbow and get back slowly
– repeat exercise 15 times