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Wrist sprain/dislocate: Sprain is connected with wrist ligaments, which can be stretch (mild sprain) or tear or rupture (severe sprain). Eight little bones in two rows built the joint. The sprain leads to joint instability, because bones aren’t hold tightly. Dislocation, connected with sprain, is based on separation in the joint. The injures usually occur when athletes fall onto their hand. It can be also connected with repetitive microinjures in sports such as gymnastics or basketball.

Wrist fracture: Usually it involves distal radius. When the wrist is forced back, the carpal bones are jammed against the radius and it can cause the fracture. The most complicated fracture is injury of the scaphoid bone, because it’s located near thumb base, what leads to reduction of mobility.

wrist sprainwrist fracture


wrist exercises

1) Active range of motion:
– bend your wrist and get back slowly
– then extend your wrist and get back slowly
– move your hand sideways
– repeat each activity 10 times

2) Wrist stretching:
– hold your injured hand by the other and bend the wrist
– hold this position for 5 seconds and get back
– then extend your wrist and hold it for 5 seconds too
– practice each exercise 10 times

3) Wrist extension stretch:
– stand next to the table and lay your hands on it
– move a little your body forward to feel stretching back of your forearms
– practice 10 times

4) Wrist flexion stretch:
– stand next to the table and now lay your hands upside down on it
– move a little your body forward to feel stretching front of your forearms
– practice 10 times

5) Pronation and supination of the forearm:
– bend your elbow to 90 degrees
– rotate your forward (to see dorsal and palm surface of your hand)
– repeat each side 15 times